25-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Two more weeks left of the second trimester. You are gearing up for the home stretch. Read more to learn what to expect during week 25 of pregnancy
Baby development
By now you may sometimes wonder if your baby is taking salsa lessons in your womb. With their countless inter-belly antics and at times constant movement from one side of their little shelter to the other, they inevitably touch or hit the uterine wall. They touch and push with their hands and feet, their head or even their back. They are getting restless at times. Let them know you’re there by stroking your belly.
Your body
Have you been sleeping well? Some mothers-to-be are troubled by bad dreams around this time during their pregnancies. Unfortunately, this is quite natural, because worries or problems accompany us into our sleep. Just remember this - it is a fairy-tale to believe that a dream is a premonition.
Wondering what your 25 weeks pregnancy diet should look like? Listen to your heart. And your cravings. Some women report not giving in to their food cravings because they think that the baby might get upset if they eat a curry. Not so! The baby doesn’t receive that curry as a direct serving, and they do get positive exposure to the aromatics of the curry through your amniotic fluid. So go ahead, use the herbs and spices you enjoy and know that you can be providing some early flavour learnings that your baby may enjoy in months to come when they begin to eat some solid foods.
Are your ankles swelling? Don’t worry. Swollen ankles are a normal part of pregnancy caused by extra fluid in your body and pressure from your growing uterus. Swelling, or “edema”, tends to get worse as your due date approaches. Here are some quick tips for relieving the problem. Avoid standing for long periods and prop up your feed when sitting. Avoid crossing your legs and stretch often. Drink plenty of water and walk or exercise regularly. Call your doctor immediately if you notice swelling of your face, around your eyes, more than mild swelling of your hands, if one leg is more swollen than the other, or if you have sudden swelling anywhere. Speak with your doctor if you have any other concerns about swelling.
KidsHealth. Can Pregnant Women Do Anything to Reduce or Prevent Swollen Ankles? Can Pregnant Women Do Anything to Reduce or Prevent Swollen Ankles? (for Parents) - Nemours Kidshealth Accessed September 2021.