Your week-by-week pregnancy calendar
Track your pregnancy week by week and learn more about your pregnancy stages, the symptoms, and your baby's development.

Your First Pregnancy Trimester
Congrats on your pregnancy! If it’s your first child, this first trimester – the first 12 weeks – will most probably be a whirlwind of questions. So many things to learn! But no worries. This page may have most of the answers you need.

Now that you have more or less settled down in your pregnancy, it’s time to focus on your little one. Read on about weeks 13 to 26 and find out what you’ll need to do for your little one’s healthy growth and development.

How time flies! Another milestone is fast approaching. Don’t stress, it’s the last thing you should do. This third and final trimester – weeks 27 to 40 – should be your happiest time as you’ll soon be meeting your little darling face to face! Read on for how you should prepare for the moment.