

About Our Recall and Discontinuation of Gerber® Soothe ‘N’ Chew® Teething Sticks.

What products are included in this recall? 

GERBER® SOOTHE ‘N’ CHEW® TEETHING STICKS – STRAWBERRY APPLE and GERBER® SOOTHE ‘N’ CHEW® TEETHING STICKS – BANANA. It does not impact any other Gerber products. More information can be found in the press release. 

Where were the affected products distributed?

GERBER® SOOTHE ‘N’ CHEW® TEETHING STICKS were sold in-store and at online retailers across Canada. 

What should consumers do if they purchased this product?

Consumers who may have purchased Gerber® Soothe ‘N’ Chew® Teething Sticks should not feed this product to their child. Please contact Nestle Consumer Services at 1-800-387-5536 or consumer.care@ca.nestle.com for reimbursement and then dispose of the product.  

Are other Gerber products impacted?

No. This voluntary recall and discontinuation is isolated to GERBER® SOOTHE ‘N’ CHEW® TEETHING STICKS – STRAWBERRY APPLE and GERBER® SOOTHE ‘N’ CHEW® TEETHING STICKS – BANANA. It does not impact any other Gerber products. 

How does Gerber ensure the safety of its products?

At Gerber, we take the responsibility of feeding babies very seriously. The quality and safety of our products is our number one priority. All of our products are backed by rigorous research and testing and must pass more than 100 individual quality checks before they can be sold. Our portfolio is then evaluated on an ongoing basis to ensure our offerings reflect the latest science and dietary guidance. We appreciate the trust parents place in us and remain committed to giving them the peace of mind they deserve when choosing Gerber products.

Nestle Baby & Me Program

What happened to the Nestlé Baby & me program?

The Nestlé Baby & me program that you are familiar with has been discontinued due to the sale of the Infant Baby Formula business by Nestlé. However, you will still be able to access your profile until April 30th, 2024. We are pleased to introduce the New Nestlé Baby & me Email Program, which will provide ongoing support and exciting benefits throughout your journey of parenthood.

I was a member of the Nestlé Baby & me program. Will I still receive the rest of my savings and coupons?

If you have registered for the Nestlé Baby & me program on or before February 29th, 2024 you will continue to receive all the benefits from the program. Parents and caregivers can continue to receive timely support and exclusive Good Start® infant formula coupons that are tailored to your baby’s age and stage by signing up to the new Good Start TM Baby Club program.

What is the New Nestlé Baby & Me Email program?

It is a subscription email program where you sign-up to get access to regular product updates, exciting promotions and offers, expert nutritional advice and more. For more information click here.


I’d love some Nestlé offers and updates, how can I get them?

It’s easy! Just sign-up for the new Nestlé Baby & me Email Program and get access to regular product updates, exciting promotions and offers, expert nutritional advice and more to support your pregnancy and journey of parenthood—right through to toddlerhood. It’s why the optimal time to join is when you’re still expecting. Plus, keep an eye out for in-store offers.

I’m looking for products with Halal or Kosher certification, does Nestlé have any?

Be sure to check the package for specific Halal or Kosher symbols. Here are some of the products you’ll find:



  • GERBER Organic Rice cereal
  • GERBER Organic Oatmeal cereal
  • GERBER Arrowroot Cookies
  • GERBER Puffs
  • GERBER Lil’Crunchies




How about organic products, are they offered by Nestlé?

Yep! Choose from a variety of organic products, like the ones below:   


  • GERBER Organic Baby Cereal
  • GERBER Organic Purées
  • GERBER Organic Quinoa Crisps 
  • GERBER Organic Rice Rusks
  • GERBER Organic Lil' Crunchies
  • GERBER Organic Yogurt Melts
  • GERBER Organic Biscuits

Non-GMO products are high on my list, are they available from Nestlé?

Nestlé offers a variety of non-GMO products— like these:


  • GERBER Baby Cereal
  • GERBER Toddler Cereal
  • GERBER Organic Purees*
  • GERBER Rice Rusks
  • GERBER Quinoa Crisps
  • GERBER Puffs
  • GERBER Lil’ Crunchies
  • GERBER Organic Biscuits*
  • GERBER Organic Yogurt Melts*


*The use of genetic modification is not permitted in organic foods.

Where can I go if I have additional questions regarding Nestlé Baby or Nestlé Products?

If you are seeking more information or need to connect with us, visit our Support Hub and we’ll be happy to help.

Registration and Communication

How do I sign up for the New Nestlé Baby & me Email Program on the website?

t’s easy, just click on sign-up and you will be taken to the subscription page. Please make sure to have completed the entire form to sign-up.

How do I modify my email address or any other information for the New Nestlé Baby & me Email Program?

It is a sign-up only email program. You can sign-up again with the correct email.

How is my data protected?

Visit our PRIVACY POLICY contains full details on how your data will be kept safe.

I’m trying to sign-up for the New Nestlé Baby & me Email Program, but I can’t get it to work because the site won’t let me complete my sign-up, what can I do?

Your time is important, so there are a number of possible reasons why you are experiencing an error on the sign-up page: 

  • Double check that every field is complete.
  • Make sure to read and act on the error messages if any.
  • Clear your browser history or switch to a different browser.
  • Our form should indicate a blank or incomplete field, but double-checking the fields will help to ensure accuracy. 

How do I unsubscribe or opt out from the New Nestlé Baby & me Email Program?

Please reference the emails you receive and consult the footer where you will find the option/link to unsubscribe.

When I signed-up for the New Nestlé Baby & me Email Program, should I have received an email?

Yes, you should have received a Welcome email. Try checking your junk or spam folder. Wait for a few minutes before attempting to sign-up again. If you still need assistance, Contact Us and one of our Consumer Care Specialists will be happy to help you.

How to enter additional children for the New Nestlé Baby & me Email Program?

When you sign-up for the New Nestlé Baby & me email Program, the form has an option to add a child.

What all does the New Nestlé Baby & me Email Program offer?

New Nestlé Baby & me Email Program is committed to support you during your parenthood journey with exciting benefits. You can get access to regular product updates, exciting promotions and offers, expert nutritional advice and more. For on-going promotions refer to the T&Cs here.

What will my data be used for?

Your data will be protected very carefully. By providing consent, you agree to receive emails and other communications from the Nestlé Canada Inc. family of brands regarding products, contests, promotions, offers and related information that may be of interest to you. You can withdraw your consent at any time. Please refer to our Privacy Policy or Contact Us pages for more information.

Good Start

Where can I ask a question about Good Start® baby formula or Good Grow® toddler drinks?

Please note that Nestlé sold the Good Start® infant formula business to Perrigo in 2022. For any questions, inquiries or concerns about your Good Start® infant formula or Good Grow® toddler drinks, kindly contact them at 1-800-864-9671 or email at www.perrigo.com/contact-us


What can I do if I am having difficulty swallowing my NESTLÉ® MATERNA® tablets?

Hopefully one of the following will help you—you can try to:


  • Take your tablet with food.
  • Include your tablet in your bedtime routine.
  • Break it in half and consider taking at two different times in the same day (Make sure to have clean, dry hands and keep the remaining half of the pill out of reach of children).
  • Crush it and mix the powder into a drink.


Note: To help make things even easier on you, you can pick up a pill splitter or pill crusher at your local pharmacy. If you only need to cut your tablet, just make sure you do so along the bisecting line in the middle. Do your best to cut the tablet evenly, as sharp edges may be difficult to swallow.

I’m vegan, is MATERNA?

Materna contains animal derivatives. Please reach out to Nestlé Canada Consumer Care if you feel you require further clarification.

When should I start taking a prenatal multivitamin?

A woman should start taking a prenatal multivitamin containing folic acid at least 10 - 12 weeks prior to conception - when she is trying to conceive or planning a pregnancy.

How long should I take a prenatal multivitamin?

Experts recommend for a woman to continue taking a daily multivitamin containing 0.4 - 1.0 mg folic acid for 4 - 6 weeks postpartum or for as long as breastfeeding continues1.


1 Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. J Obstet Gyneacol Can. 2015; 37(6):534-549.

What time of day should I take a prenatal multivitamin?

You can take a prenatal multivitamin at any time of day. But it’s ideal to take your multivitamin together with a meal because it not only helps the tablet to disintegrate, it also makes it easier for your body to absorb the vitamin’s nutrients. Taking a prenatal multivitamin at mealtime helps minimize the potential for stomach upset, as well (especially if you are sensitive to iron). You’ll also find it easier to incorporate your prenatal multivitamin into your daily routine if you take it at the same time every day.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid is a B vitamin essential for the healthy development of the fetus, brain, and skull during the early weeks of pregnancy.

What is the difference between folic acid and folate?

Folate and folic acid are B vitamins. Sometimes the terms are used interchangeably but there is the difference. Folate is the form which is naturally found in foods, and folic acid is the synthetic version used to fortify foods and is what’s used in prenatal multivitamins. Folic acid is a more active form of this essential nutrient, compared to its natural counterpart, folate.

Why should I take folic acid before I get pregnant?

Spina bifida and other neural tube defects (NTDs) occur between the third and fourth week of fetal development, a time when most women don't even know that they are pregnant. Because up to 50% of all pregnancies are unplanned, all women of childbearing age should take a multivitamin containing folic acid every day in order to help prevent NTDs. Be sure to take a multivitamin that also contains vitamin B12. Folic acid helps reduce the risk of birth defects by more than 70% if taken before pregnancy.

What is the recommended level of folic acid for pregnancy?

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of folic acid during pregnancy is 0.6 mg. However, most prenatal multivitamins/mineral supplements will provide up to 1 mg of folic acid.


However, most prenatal multivitamins/mineral supplements will provide up to 1 mg of folic acid1.


The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada recommends that women, with no personal health risks for neural tube defects, take a multivitamin with 0.4 mg to 1.0 mg of folic acid throughout pregnancy2.


Health Canada. Prenatal Nutrition Guidelines for Health Professionals. 2009.https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/food-nutrition/reports-publications/nutrition-healthy-eating/prenatal-nutrition-guidelines-health-professionals-background-canada-food-guide-2009.html  Page visited: August 28, 2017.
2 Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada. J Obstet Gyneacol Can. 2015; 37(6):534-549.

Where can I get folic acid?

Folate (folic acid) can be found naturally in foods such as green leafy vegetables, red kidney beans, chicken liver and corn. However, most women find it difficult to get the recommended level of folate from food alone. For example, you would have to consume 2 cups of spinach each day to get enough folate to meet the daily requirements. Taking a prenatal multivitamin such as NESTLÉ MATERNA, which provides 0.6 mg of folic acid, helps provides assurance that you are getting the daily requirement. 

What are neural tube defects (NTDs), spina bifida and anencephaly?

Neural tube defects are birth defects that affect the brain (anencephaly) and/or spinal cord (spina bifida). NTDs occur when the tissues that form the brain and spinal cord fail to develop properly. These defects occur in the first 4 weeks of fetal development - usually before a woman even knows she's pregnant.

What should I do when the product expires?

Don't throw out your expired or unused natural health products. For more information on how to safely dispose of these products, please visit www.healthsteward.ca.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, we’re here for you. Ask us.


Can I add formula or breastmilk to GERBER® cereals?


Just remember that it’s important when you’re making baby cereal, to prepare as directed on the label.

NESTLÉ GERBER "Add Milk" cereal varieties allow you the flexibility to add breastmilk or the infant formula of your choice.


What’s not recommended?

We don’t recommend adding breastmilk or infant formula to NESTLÉ GERBER “Add Water” cereals as they already contain specially adapted milk and 14 essential nutrients. If you’ve accidentally prepared the “Add Water” cereal with breastmilk or infant formula, it won’t harm the baby if you feed them with it on occasion.


Important Note: Always discuss any feeding changes with your baby’s doctor.

Wait, is GERBER® Baby Cereal a meal supplement?

In a word, no…but  GERBER Baby Cereals are iron-fortified and definitely a complement to the other foods you are introducing to your baby at this stage.

In more words: NESTLÉ GERBER Baby Cereals are not designed to be used as a sole source of nutrition, nor are they meant to replace breast milk or infant formula.

How should I store my baby’s cereal?

Keep your baby cereals tightly sealed and in a clean, cool, dry place. Check packaging regularly for rips, tears, and signs of bugs. Be sure to discard the product once past its due date. Read Storing baby cereals: Freshness & Safety First! for more helpful tips.

I have been introducing solid foods to my baby and can’t find the Gerber purees I have been using to feed my baby. Can I use other flavours of purees? What should I do?

Yes! You can use another flavour of puree to feed your baby. All Gerber Purees are delicious, all nutritious, and organic purees and can be used interchangeably. The majority of our Gerber Purees are staged from 6 months+ and those flavours can be fed interchangeably within that stage. For Toddlers 12months+, you can feed any of our 6m+ purees, plus we have 3 additional flavours that can be used interchangeably:


Gerber Organic Banana, Mango, Quinoa, Avocado with Vanilla Puree


Gerber Organic Apple, Mango, Raspberry, Avocado with Oats Puree


Gerber Organic Mango, Peach, Carrot, Sweet Potato with Oats Puree

I have been introducing solid foods to my baby and can’t find the Gerber Cereals I have been using to feed my baby. Can I use other flavours of Cereals? What should I do?

Gerber cereals are specifically designed for your growing baby and we offer different varieties of cereal within each stage. While they are staged to progress gradually in flavour and texture, they can be used interchangeably within each stage.


It is important to note that the Canadian Pediatric Society states that when introducing foods that may contain common allergens, it’s best to offer no more than one new food a day. The reason for this recommendation is that it will make it easier to identify a food that may have caused a reaction. 


Common food allergens found in Gerber Baby Cereals are milk, wheat, oat, and barley. Always read the product label for our most up to date product information.



Stage 1

Oat Cereal (ADD WATER)

Rice Cereal (ADD WATER)

Organic Oatmeal (ADD MILK)

Organic Rice Cereal (ADD MILK)

Stage 2

Rice & Banana (ADD WATER)

Rice Carrot & Pumpkin (ADD WATER)

Oat & Prune (ADD WATER)

Wheat Banana & Strawberry (ADD WATER)

Multigrain Oatmeal (ADD WATER)

Multigrain Oatmeal & Fruit (ADD WATER)

Organic Wheat & Wholegrain Oatmeal Banana (ADD MILK)

Organic Wheat & Wholegrain Oat Mango Carrot (ADD MILK)

Stage 3

Wheat Biscuit (ADD WATER)

Oat Banana Mango (ADD WATER)

Multigrain Yogurt Raspberry (ADD WATER)

Multigrain Yogurt Blueberry (ADD WATER)

Multigrain Yogurt, Apple, Pear, Banana (ADD WATER)

Organic Wheat & Wholegrain Banana Raspberry (ADD MILK)

Stage 4

Wheat Honey & Flakes (ADD WATER)

Multigrain Apples & Oranges (ADD WATER)

Multigrain Cherries & Berries (ADD WATER)

GERBER Supplements

What are Gerber® Baby Supplements?

They are a supplement range developed specially for babies and young children.

Do I have to refrigerate my Gerber® Baby Supplements?

No. Store below 25°C

What are Gerber® Baby Supplements used for?

Gerber® Baby Supplements are developed to support the needs of growing infants and children from birth. Each product has been designed using registered probiotic strains and is backed by 155 years Nestlé expertise in pediatric nutrition.

The range includes 4 products. Click on each product to find out more:

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when consumed in adequate amounts, can help improve and restore the gut flora.

Can Gerber® Baby Supplements be used from birth?

Yes, all 4 Gerber® Baby Supplements products in our range are suitable from birth for all healthy term infants

Are they certified Halal?


Are there any known side effects of these products?

No. If symptoms persist, please seek the guidance of a healthcare professional

Can you put Gerber® Baby Supplements, Probiotic Drops in formula?

Gerber® Baby Supplements, Probiotic Drops can be added to infant formula, see usage instructions below.

Usage instructions 

  • Use 5 drops once daily. Shake well before each use. 
  • Turn the bottle to a 45°angle to slowly form a drop. 
  • For babies, drops can be dispensed onto the breast, or added to breast milk or formula. 
  • Drops can also be dispensed onto a sterile spoon. 
  • No need to refrigerate. Just store below 25°C.

Are there any allergens in Gerber® Supplements?

Gerber® Supplement products contain sunflower oil, medium chain triglyceride oil, the probiotic culture and silicone dioxide. None of these ingredients require a health warning, or contain an allergenic substance, according to Schedule 1 of the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (No. 2) 2018.

In addition, NAN CARE products do not contain any substance derived from bees (e.g. propolis), nor are there any common food allergens in this product (including the substrate on which the probiotic is grown).

What are the ‘common food allergens’:

  • Peanut
  • Tree nuts (namely almond, Brazil nut, cashew, hazelnut, macadamia, pecan, pine nut, pistachio and walnut)
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Sesame seed
  • Fish
  • Crustacea
  • Mollusc
  • Soybean
  • Gluten containing cereals (namely barley, oats and rye)
  • Wheat
  • Lupin
  • Added sulphites in concentrations of 10mg/kg or more

Are Gerber® Supplements for Baby suitable for vegetarians?

Yes, Gerber® Supplements for Baby do not contain animal derivatives as a result of the slaughter of the animals and are suitable for vegetarians.


The vitamin D in Gerber® Supplements for Baby Vit-D + DH A is sourced from lanolin (sheep's wool). They are not appropriate for individuals following a vegan diet, but may be acceptable for certain vegetarian diets as the animal product (lanolin) is not derived from animal slaughter. 

Do Gerber® Supplements for Baby contain flavours and colours?

No, Gerber® Supplements for Baby do not contain any flavours and colours. They are specially formulated for infants and young children.

Can a child use other supplements along with Gerber® Supplement for Baby?

Please read product label carefully for detailed instructions before using Gerber® Supplements for Baby products.

Consult your doctor before taking Gerber® Supplements for Baby if you are using other supplements/natural health products with/without same ingredients.

Can a child use Gerber® Supplement for Baby together with Gerber® Baby Food or any other baby food products?

Yes. Gerber® Supplements for Baby are safe to use with food. Please read product label carefully for detailed instructions before using Gerber® Supplements for Baby products.



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