Baby's Nutrition
Baby nutrition and feeding : the guide

Baby Feeding and Nutrition: The Guide
How will you feed your newborn?
7 mins to read
Breastfeeding basics

Guide to breastfeeding and feeding positions
Yes, it seems like another pregnancy miracle, but it’s true—your body produces the perfect baby food: Breast milk.
11 mins to read

Breast Milk Production: The First Days of Breastfeeding
Did you know that your breast milk changes to meet the needs of your baby?
4 mins to read

Breastfeeding baby tips | Breastfeeding 101
Having a basic understanding about breast milk, breastfeeding and your breastfed baby will help you enjoy every moment that you’re nourishing and nurturing your baby.
4 mins to read

Get ready, get set... breastfeed!
Did you know? The “superpowers” of breast milk for your baby (and you) cannot be underestimated—and pregnancy is the perfect time to prepare.
2 mins to read
Boost your breastfeeding confidence
Did you know? Developing your support network now can help you feel good about feeding your baby later.
2 mins to read

How to pump your breast milk
Everything you need to know about expressing your breast milk and choosing the most suitable breast pump for you.
1 min to read

How often will my baby feed?
6 things you need to know about feeding your baby in their first six months.
2 mins to read

Can you breastfeed and bottle feed expressed milk
Bottle feeding does not have to mean an end to breastfeeding. It may just be another means for your baby to continue to receive full nutrition in the form of expressed breast milk
3 mins to read
Formula feeding

How to Choose & Introduce Formula to Your Baby
Choosing and introducing a baby formula can be a difficult decision for any parent.
5 mins to read

How to prepare and store baby formula
Formula. It’s full of nutrition—but how you prep and store it can serve up some questions, too.
5 mins to read

How to Switch From Breastfeeding to Bottle-feeding
Whether you want to express breast milk or you’re thinking of supplementing with baby formula, try these 13 tips on how to switch from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding.
7 mins to read

How to Switch Formulas
Your baby’s growing and their digestive system is developing, too. Learn how to switch formulas the right way to support your child’s nutritional needs.
3 mins to read
Introducing solids

Baby Solids: Guide & planning pour bébé de 8 mois.
Around the six-month mark, your baby will probably show signs of being ready for bites of their first food.
6 mins to read

When to start solid food for babies
Starting solid foods is a new and exciting step in your baby’s eating development, but it often comes with many questions.
7 mins to read

Baby's most nutritious food choices
A quiz for moms of 6 to 7-month-olds
1 min to read

Safe first finger food for babies
By now you've noticed that everything seems to make its way into your little one’s mouth. Once he’s able grasp small objects, eating those little goodies is exactly what he'll try to do.
5 mins to read

10 ways to introduce variety and texture
Help your six- to eight-month-old grow up to be a healthy eater by offering a wide variety of flavours and textures now.
6 mins to read

Your step-by-step guide to texture
Once your baby has mastered smooth purees, it’s time to offer textured foods. Experience with different textures helps them develop the skills for chewing.
1 min to read

Getting started: traditional and baby-led weaning
Your baby may be developmentally ready to start complementary feeding at around six months of age, when they are able to hold their head up and sit in a high-chair.
3 mins to read

Gerber Baby Supplements: VitD + DHA Liquid Drops - Essential Support for Your Baby's Growth and Development
Our new line of Gerber® Supplements for Baby features specially formulated Vitamin D drops for babies including DHA to help build strong bones and teeth and support normal brain function in infants.
From birth to 2 years