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Your toddler’s developing feeding skills
Your toddler has come a long way since that first spoonful of puree went in (and probably came straight back out again!).
8 mins to read

Breastfeeding for beginners: Get comfortable
Check out these four tried-and-tested breastfeeding holds that help you both relax and encourage your baby to latch on well. Which one works best for you?
2 mins to read

Tips for potty training toddlers
Wondering how to potty train or when to start potty training? Read our potty-training tips and tricks to help toddlers hit the spot.
2 mins to read

10 tips for a good sleep during the 3rd trimester
Stress, hormonal upheaval, and a growing abdomen: all these factors can cause insomnia, nighttime dreaming and nightmares, resulting in fatigue and drowsiness during the day.
2 mins to read

Guide to breastfeeding and feeding positions
Yes, it seems like another pregnancy miracle, but it’s true—your body produces the perfect baby food: Breast milk.
11 mins to read

Why do toddlers need fibre and how much should they eat?
Did you know? Many children around the world are missing out on essential fibre and whole grains.
2 mins to read

How to exercise safely through pregnancy
Why 30 minutes a day can impact a lifetime.
4 mins to read

How to Bathe Your Baby
Baby’s first bath will be a new experience for both of you, so give yourself plenty of time to relax and enjoy it.
3 mins to read

Physical Activities for Infants – What you need to know
Did you know? Spending time playing with your baby at this age can lead to them being more active when they are a toddler.
3 mins to read

Storing baby cereals: Freshness & Safety First!
You want to serve your little foodie the best in infant nutrition. What you don’t want are bugs in her food—yuck!
1 min to read

Breast Milk Production: The First Days of Breastfeeding
Did you know that your breast milk changes to meet the needs of your baby?
4 mins to read

Baby Bedtime Routine: How, Why & When to Start
Good sleep habits are important for the health and well-being of your baby. Learn how and when to start a bedtime routine with your baby.
4 mins to read

Breastfeeding for beginners: Get a good latch
Breastfeeding has lifelong health benefits for your baby. Take the time to learn about these latching techniques now, so you'll have an easier time later.
4 mins to read

Tips on planning a toddler birthday party
Planning a one-year-old’s birthday party can be surprisingly tricky.
3 mins to read

First-time dad tips—how to be a hands-on dad
Wondering how dads can help with newborns?
6 mins to read

Kangaroo care: How to take care of your preterm baby
What is kangaroo care and how can it help you to take care of your preterm baby?
6 mins to read

Why your baby needs to eat throughout the day
Did you know? Your baby may need to eat three meals and two mini meals each day.
2 mins to read

Sharing meals teaches healthy eating
Did you know? Studies show that the more often families share mealtimes, the more likely children are to have healthy diets and stay at healthy weights as toddlers.
2 mins to read

Am I ready to give birth? Signs of labour checklist
You probably think it’ll be obvious when you go into labour, but every mom’s labour is different and it usually doesn’t happen like you’ve seen in movies.
2 mins to read

Your Maternity Leave and Parental Leave checklist
It might seem a while away, but ahead of the arrival of the new addition to your family, it’s a good idea to begin preparations towards your leave and to find out what you are entitled to.
2 mins to read

Raising a healthy eater: 14 ways to encourage healthy eating habits
The eating habits your toddler is developing now may stay with them as they get older. It’s as much about the way you offer food as what you offer them.
8 mins to read

7 basic rules of safe food preparation
Follow these stay-safe principles when you’re shopping or preparing food for your baby.
4 mins to read

Infant probiotic | What to Look for
By Dr. Ted Jablonski, family physician
2 mins to read

Does your toddler sleep less than your grandparents did?
Take a look back in history to compare sleep stats, then and now, and get tips to help your little one drift off into a slumber. Because a good bedtime routine is timeless.
1 min to read