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Bath time checklist: How to bathe a newborn
Washing a newborn for the first time can be nerve-racking as well as a lovely bonding moment. Follow our tips on how to bathe a newborn safely.
4 mins to read

Tummy Trouble: Addressing Concerns in Baby Diarrhea
Is your little one pooping more frequently and watery than usual? If you suspect diarrhea, it is best to contact your doctor.
3 mins to read

7 simple food swaps to consider before you get pregnant
Eating well now can have a positive impact on your pregnancy, as well as a lasting effect on your baby’s health.
4 mins to read

What are the hormonal changes during pregnancy
Being pregnant is an exciting experience, not only are you anticipating the day you finally hold your baby in your arms, but your body is also going through amazing changes.
8 mins to read

Adventures in feeding: new tastes, new textures, new techniques
Now that your baby is eight to 10 months old, has enjoyed their first tastes, and is becoming more experienced at eating, it’s time to move on to lumpy foods and helping them learn to feed themself
6 mins to read

7-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Your baby is already a pretty impressive 18 mm long. Though you won’t feel it yet, they’re on the move.
Read more about this week.
2 mins to read

Need some space? Here’s how to handle visitors after giving birth
If you’re an overwhelmed mom or dad with too many baby visitors, don’t panic. Here’s our top five tips on how to handle visitors after giving birth, giving you time to bond with your baby.
3 mins to read

Fiber and Whole Grains Foods for your Toddler
Choose foods containing high fibre levels and whole grains for your toddler, but what foods are those and how can you make sure your baby is getting the right amount. Find out!
1 min to read

23-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Your baby’s feet are now 4.5 to 5cm in length now, and they weigh considerably over 700g. You have got around 16 more weeks to go! Read more to learn what to expect in 23 weeks of pregnancy.
3 mins to read

How a 6 months baby develops fine motor skills? | Baby's Development: Months 4-6
Let’s talk baby talk! No, not words just yet, but the language basics begin here!
5 mins to read

Benefits of probiotics for babies
This article includes contributions from Dr. Dina Kulik, pediatrician, and Charlotte Geroudet, GD.
5 mins to read

Safe first finger food for babies
By now you've noticed that everything seems to make its way into your little one’s mouth. Once he’s able grasp small objects, eating those little goodies is exactly what he'll try to do.
5 mins to read

First trimester pregnancy
You’re expecting—what an exciting time!
3 mins to read

Baby vaccine schedule
Early childhood immunizations are an important safeguard against serious and sometimes life-threatening illnesses for your baby.
4 mins to read

Vitamin D for Babies: Why it’s Important
Today more than ever we are hearing about the importance of Vitamin D for babies’ healthy growth and development.
5 mins to read

How to put baby to sleep?
Babies love to sleep, eat, repeat. Right? Except the sleep bit can sometimes take work.
3 mins to read

3 tips for your baby’s happy, healthy tummy
By Dr. Ted Jablonski, family physician
3 mins to read

Infant nutrition needs: 6-8 months
As your baby reaches 6-8 months old, some vitamins and minerals are especially important for their health.
4 mins to read

Your breastfeeding FAQs
The most common breastfeeding concerns, answered by a Nestlé lactation specialist.
4 mins to read

Did you know?
Many children are afraid to try new foods, preferring to eat foods they are used to!
1 min to read

Did you know?
During babies’ first year of life their nutritional needs are higher than those of adults
1 min to read

Did you know?
Good role models at family meals help your developing independent eater
1 min to read

Did you know?
Around six months of age, baby’s evolving needs call for the introduction of foods
1 min to read

How to give a baby massage
Baby massages are a great opportunity for interacting with your baby and for skin-to-skin contact. Find out what to do with this baby tummy massage breakdown.
2 mins to read