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Lunch ideas for babies
It’s difficult to find well-balanced meal ideas every day for your toddler.
1 min to read

Did you know?
Maternal nutrition during pregnancy can influence baby's lifelong health
1 min to read

Working out your birth plan
Giving birth is less daunting if you have a birth plan prepared to help the day go as smoothly as possible. See our birth plan guide below.
2 mins to read

Did you know?
Breast milk is the best start for babies.
1 min to read

Upset stomach in babies: A guide to baby gut health
Wondering what causes constipation in babies or need help if your toddler has diarrhea? Find out the importance of baby gut health when it comes to protecting against common tummy problems.
4 mins to read

Combination Feeding: Combining Breast Feeding & Formula-Feeding
Combination feeding, also known as mixed feeding or combo feeding, is when you feed your baby both breast milk and infant formula.
4 mins to read

How to increase breast milk supply?
Breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months, and sustained for up to two years or longer with appropriate complementary feeding is important for the nutrition, immunologic protection, growth
4 mins to read

The snack challenge
Get inspired! Discover these 5 simple, healthy snack ideas that can be customized for your child, plus a snack-builder for putting together your own nutrient-rich creations.
1 min to read

How to start complementary feeding
Starting complementary feeding is an exciting time. Here are our top tips on how and when to start baby food from our resident dietitian.
4 mins to read

What’s safe to eat when you’re pregnant?
Did you know? Latest scientific research reveals there’s no need to avoid certain foods during pregnancy because you’re worried they might cause your baby to have allergies.
2 mins to read

How to Soothe a Baby with Colic
Got a fussy baby? Infantile colic is characterized by intense, uncontrolled crying or fussing in an otherwise healthy and well-fed baby. About 20% of babies suffer from colic.
4 mins to read

5 ways to reduce your baby’s chances of having allergies
Did you know, a healthy diet and lifestyle can reduce your baby's chances of developing allergies?
1 min to read

Choosing your baby’s food
Did you know? In many countries, pre-packaged baby food has to meet strict safety standards.
1 min to read

Playing is learning
Did you know? Imaginary play and ‘talking time’ are essential to your baby’s healthy development.
2 mins to read

Baby Teething Tips
Teething can be a distressing time for your baby and for you too. We’ve put together an action plan of teething tips, so you can all get through it without gritting your teeth.
2 mins to read

Newborn Sleep Development - What you need to know
You’re half-awake at 4 am with a wide-awake baby in your arms and wondering if you’ll ever get a full night’s sleep again. Don’t worry, you will.
6 mins to read

What’s your blood sugar number?
The key question to ask if you’re being tested for, or monitoring, gestational diabetes.
2 mins to read

Why babies cry
Did you know? Up to 20% of healthy babies may cry inconsolably during their first weeks of life. This is often called ‘colic’.
2 mins to read

“Unplugged” play
Free play, away from screens, is essential for your baby’s speech, sleep, creativity, and brain growth.
1 min to read

Bottle-feeding tips
Bottle-feeding might look easy but there’s a fair bit to swallow. So here’s a list of bottle-feeding tips, covering bottle-feeding positions, setting a bottle-feeding routine, and more.
2 mins to read

Mini meals for mini people
Focus on your baby’s nutrition by offering them smart eating choices in between mealtimes.
3 mins to read

Common Newborn Conditions & How to Help
Wondering how to manage reflux in babies or what a normal baby temperature is?
10 mins to read

Baby names help
Need inspiration for baby names? Here comes the fun bit! You may already have a favourite name, or perhaps you’re waiting until you meet baby face-to-face.
2 mins to read

Tummy time workout
Tummy time can start soon after you bring your baby home from the hospital. Just don’t expect too much.
3 mins to read