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38-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Two more weeks! Yes, it’s true, you and your little one will soon be making each other’s acquaintance. Everything is pretty much in place.
3 mins to read

24-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Can you feel the baby reacting to noises and your caresses yet? Towards the end of the second trimester is when some women report that this starts to happen, so be on the lookout.
3 mins to read

22-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
If you could look inside, you may see your baby sucking their thumb. It’s nature’s way of getting them ready to breastfeed from birth.
3 mins to read

28-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Your little one is around 35 cm long from crown to toe and already weights about 1.3 kilos, a third of their birth weight. Their feet measure nearly 6 cm – yes, they are tiny!
2 mins to read

17-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Your little one now weighs more than 200g and is looking more and more like a “real” baby every day. Read more to learn what to expect during week 17 of pregnancy.
2 mins to read

32-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Your baby is still developing as you head into the final lap, but it’s mostly perfecting and polishing from here on out. He or she is getting ready to meet you!
2 mins to read

34-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Things are slowing down a little in your belly now. That’s because everything is getting close to being developed! Your baby is around 45 cm long and weighs well over 2 kilos.
2 mins to read

13-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
The start of your second trimester is the start of lots of new developmental milestones for your baby. Read more about what to expect at 13 weeks of pregnancy.
2 mins to read

6-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Your baby’s growth is in overdrive right about now. So many exciting developments in such a tiny little being! Read more about this week.
2 mins to read

26-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
A little ta-da moment for the final week of your second trimester – your baby will open their eyes for the first time around now! Read more about this week.
2 mins to read

Baby Poop Guide
This baby poop guide will help you understand the differences between different baby stool colours and consistencies as well as the stools of babies on different diets.
7 mins to read

Why do babies cry?
When you’re a new parent your baby’s cries can be overwhelming. Remember it’s a new world outside the womb and your little one is adjusting to his new surroundings.
2 mins to read

Breastfeeding: How your husband can help | Don't forget your support system
An action plan for your family and friends
3 mins to read

Newborn feeding schedule | Nursing quiz
Is your baby getting enough?
1 min to read

10-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
You are already at week 10 of your pregnancy. Still another 29 weeks to go before you get to meet your little love. Learn more about what’s going on this week.
3 mins to read

9-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Two hearts beat as one, as the song says. In actual fact, your baby’s heart is beating just fine on its own. Read more about this week.
3 mins to read

5-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Though only around the size of a pea, your baby is growing by leaps and bounds. Relatively speaking!
Read more about this week.
2 mins to read

8-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
About the size of a robin’s egg, your little one measures about 30 mm long. Learn more about this week.
2 mins to read

Breastfeeding challenges and tips to try
Take action with these tips to try.
8 mins to read

4-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet advice
Almost one month already! There are lots of things happening inside you this week.
3 mins to read

Getting started: traditional and baby-led weaning
Your baby may be developmentally ready to start complementary feeding at around six months of age, when they are able to hold their head up and sit in a high-chair.
3 mins to read

Understanding why babies cry
Wondering why babies cry? If you’re struggling to understand what your baby is trying to tell you, check this list for possible clues to help.
2 mins to read

What to eat when you’re breastfeeding
Make sure you’re consuming a balanced, nutrient-rich diet to stay healthy while you’re breastfeeding your baby.
1 min to read

Can you breastfeed and bottle feed expressed milk
Bottle feeding does not have to mean an end to breastfeeding. It may just be another means for your baby to continue to receive full nutrition in the form of expressed breast milk
3 mins to read