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Your 8-10-month-old’s activity planner
The time you spend playing with your baby is precious, and enjoying games together is fun for both of you. But playtime is much more than just special moments spent together.
4 mins to read

Top tips for better sleep at 3-6 months
Scientists agree that good sleep is important for healthy growth, so follow our all-day guide to better sleep for baby.
3 mins to read

Breastfeeding for beginners: Get started
Like any new skill, breastfeeding can take practice and perseverance to master. Follow these simple steps for a smoother journey and it’ll feel like second nature in no time.
5 mins to read

What to pack in your baby hospital bag
Packing for the hospital is not quite as simple as packing for a weekend trip since you leave home pregnant, and return with an extra bundle of joy.
3 mins to read

Your 10-12-month-old’s activity planner
You may have noticed your baby is moving more and more every day—it may sometimes feel like he’s in constant motion!
4 mins to read

How to support your baby’s growth and health
Breast milk contains the right quantity and quality of proteins to boost your baby’s growth and health—both now and in the future.
2 mins to read

Next steps in baby’s solid foods adventure
Now that you’ve introduced baby to some new tastes and textures, you can start broadening their taste buds even further by offering a variety of healthy solid foods.
2 mins to read

Baby Teething: Signs and Relief
Teething begins at different times for different babies, although most have already started by six months of age.
2 mins to read

Responsive feeding: Learn about how to feed your baby
Can you identify which of these responsive feeding principles are fact and which ones are fiction?
2 mins to read

Children’s dental care checklist
Looking after our teeth is a lifelong undertaking so it helps to get off to a good start.
2 mins to read

What to ask at my first well-child visit?
Your first well-child visit will be carried out soon after birth to ensure baby’s development is on track.
2 mins to read

Questions to ask at your 12-week ultrasound
Finally, your 12-week ultrasound is here! This pregnancy ultrasound is an important one and is the most accurate way to estimate your baby’s due date.
2 mins to read

How to Choose & Introduce Formula to Your Baby
Choosing and introducing a baby formula can be a difficult decision for any parent.
5 mins to read

Your 12-18-month-old’s activity planner
From crawling to standing and taking their first steps, your baby is now moving quickly into toddlerhood and becoming more active and mobile all the time.
4 mins to read

Tour of the world’s sleeping toddlers
“How do I get my toddler to sleep?” is an age-old, universally asked question. Find out how other parents are doing it across the globe.
4 mins to read

Breastfeeding for beginners: Get confident
Now you’ve mastered breastfeeding in the comfort of your own home, it’s time to get out and about!
3 mins to read

How to handle toddler sleep problems
You know they’re tired, but they refuse to listen—and try as you will, the land of nod seems but a distant dream.
2 mins to read

How to deal with morning sickness at the start of pregnancy
Morning sickness can strike at any time of day or night, especially at the start of pregnancy.
2 mins to read

Tips to prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy
Did you know? If you’re thinking about starting a family, making small changes to your diet and lifestyle now can have a big impact on your baby-to-be in the future.
2 mins to read

Potty training : When to start
No matter how eager you may be there is no "right" age to start potty training your little one.
4 mins to read

New mom emotions to look out for and how to deal with them
Having a baby and becoming a first-time parent is a massive emotional rollercoaster. Here are 9 emotions after giving birth that you may be experiencing.
3 mins to read

Baby talk: How to encourage baby’s first words.
Your baby’s first words are likely to happen after a few months of baby talk.
2 mins to read

What’s a healthy breastfeeding diet?
If you’re breastfeeding, a healthy diet is important as it can affect your baby as much as you. Get tips on what not to eat when breastfeeding and what to eat when breastfeeding.
2 mins to read