Disposable-diaper-changing routine
Disposable-diaper-changing routine
You’re going to do a lot of diaper changing over the next few months and years, so here’s a helpful diaper changing routine. Check it off and make every diaper change smooth like your baby’s bottom.
- Set up a diaper changing station with everything you need in arms reach. Diaper changing supplies might include: clean diapers; cotton balls; fragrance- and alcohol-free baby wipes; diapers creams; a diaper pail; a changing mat or clean towels.
- If you’re using a changing table, keep your eyes on baby all the time—they can wriggle a lot even when they are small.
- Use this time to engage with your baby. Singing or chatting to your baby can help to soothe and calm them.
- Always keep at least one hand on your baby to prevent a fall.
- Undo the dirty diaper. Fold it up and move it out of your baby’s reach.
- Use warm water to clean your baby’s bottom using wet cotton balls, a single-use cloth, or a baby wipe. Wipe front to back for a girl, back to front for a boy.
- Pat your baby’s bottom dry with the towel.
- Gently lift your baby’s legs with one hand and put the clean diaper (with the tabs at the back) under their bottom with the other.
- Only use diaper cream if there is redness or a rash.
- Fold the front of the diaper up to baby’s waist and fasten the tabs on the sides.
- Wash and moisturize your hands after every diaper change.
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