5 happy-baby activities (that help with development too!)
Ideas for fitting new and fun games into your baby’s routine.
Between four and six months is a special time for your baby! This is when you’ll start to notice lots of changes – They’ll become more social and interact with those around them, which is lovely for everyone involved!
And, as they start to build strength in their neck and body, they might be able to sit up – maybe with a little help from you, pillows, or a baby chair. This is great practice for head and neck control, which they’ll need when they begin to eat. They might start to grab things too (watch out for hair and jewellery!)
You can support these developments through fun playtime. One-to-one activities are also a much better way of engaging your baby than television and other electronic devices. While you may think screen time wouldn’t affect her at such a young age, it could actually have a negative effect on their development, so why not try some of these play activities instead?

1. The game: Mirror, mirror
What you need: A mirror large enough to show both your reflection and your baby’s.
What to do: Make them wave at baby and mom. Then make them ‘find’ baby and mom by patting your reflections in the mirror. Silly faces are encouraged!
What your baby is learning: Although your baby may not recognize itself in the mirror, they can respond to the smiling faces and be fascinated by images.

2. The game: Little water baby
What you need: A soft, safe surface.
What to do: Place your baby on their tummy (either on a surface, or on your tummy or arm) and encourage them kick their arms and legs at the same time, as if they are swimming.
What your baby is learning: Important motor skills they’ll need when they start crawling.

3. The game: Peekaboo!
What you need: Just yourself!
What to do: A baby-game classic. Simply hide your face behind your hands — and let your baby squirm, kick, and laugh with excitement as you open your hands again with a ‘peekaboo!’
What your baby is learning: The idea that things they can’t see still exist!

4. The game: Peekaboo Too!
What you need: A few of your baby’s favourite toys, and a blanket.
What to do: Hide a toy under a blanket, then lift the blanket to reveal it with a big ‘peekaboo!’ After a little while, let your baby look for and find the toys their self.
What your baby is learning: As above, your baby will learn that things they can’t see still exist. Feeling and touching the blanket and toys will also help with their sensory development.

5. The game: Reach and grab
What you need: A few small, safe objects, such as blocks, small stuffed animals, and plastic cups.
What to do: Offer them the toys so that they have a chance to hold them. Then place the items just out of reach, so they can practice “raking” them. Make sure you give them lots of encouragement along the way.
What your baby is learning: This will help develop the hand and finger skills they will eventually use to feed themselves.
https://pathways.org/growth-development/4-6-months/games/ (Accessed December 29 2016)