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Aaliyah \a(a)-li-yah\ as a girl's name is a variant of Aliyah (Hebrew), and the meaning of Aaliyah is "rising, ascending". The baby name Aaliyah sounds like Aaliya and Jaliyah. Other similar baby names are Daliyah, Allinah, Alizah, Alisah, Alikah, Alicah, Allidah, Alidah, Allisah, Alliah, Aliya, Aliah, Aalya, Amaliya, Dalyah, Daliya and Giliyah.

Aalok \a(a)-lok\ as a boy's name is of Sanskrit origin, and the meaning of Aalok is "light of divinity". Hindi name. Baby names that sound like Aalok are Alik and Alek. Other similar baby names are Alon, Allon, Aloj, Falk, Malak, Malik and Malek.

Aaren \a(a)-ren\ as a boy's name is a variant of Aaron (Hebrew), and the meaning of Aaren is "mountain of strength". The baby name Aaren sounds like Ayren, Aren, Airen, Ahren, Aaryn, Aarin, Aaran, Arren and Jaren. Other similar baby names are Daren, Garen, Laren, Naren and Taren.

Aaric \a(a)-ric\ as a boy's name is a variant of Aric (Old Norse), and the meaning of Aaric is "forever or alone, ruler". The baby name Aaric sounds like Arric and Aeric. Other similar baby names are Aarin, Alaric, Alric and Daric.

Aaricia \a(a)-ri-cia\ as a girl's name is of Scandinavian origin, and the meaning of Aaricia is "proud, distinguished and noble princess". Baby names that sound like Aaricia are Artia, Ariza and Oracia. Other similar baby names are Maricia, Alicia, Allicia, Cericia, Carisia, Darcia, Arica, Airicka, Airica, Lauricia, Lyricia, Marcia and Tricia.

Aarin \a(a)-rin\ as a boy's name is a variant of Aaron (Hebrew), and the meaning of Aarin is "mountain of strength". The baby name Aarin sounds like Arin, Aaryn, Aaren, Aaran, Arrin and Jarin. Other similar baby names are Adrin, Aaric, Darin, Farin, Garin, Larin and Tarin.



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