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Abdella \a-bdella, ab-della\ as a boy's name is a variant of Abdul (Arabic) and Abdullah (Arabic), and the meaning of Abdella is "servant, God's servant". The baby name Abdella sounds like Abdellah, Abdell, Abdalla and Abdulla. Other similar baby names are Abdull, Abdoulla, Abdel, Abdallah, Abdall, Abedellah, Abdualla, Abell, Abyell, Abiell and Ardell. View a list of the 2 names that reference Abdella.

Abdelrahim \a-bde-lrahim, ab-del-rahim\ as a boy's name. The baby name Abdelrahim sounds like Abdellah, Abdella, Abdallah, Abdullah, Abedellah, Abdulah and Abdalah.

Abdoullah \abdo(ul)-lah\ as a boy's name is a variant of Abdul (Arabic), and the meaning of Abdoullah is "servant". The baby name Abdoullah sounds like Abdoulla and Abdullah. Other similar baby names are Abdoull, Abdellah, Abdallah, Abdulla and Abdulah.

Abdul \a-bdul, ab-dul\ as a boy's name is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Abdul is "servant". Commonly used in combination with another name, as in Abdullah, or "servant of God". As such, the name indicates religious service and devotion. Basketball celebrity Kareem Abdul-Jabar. Abdul has 15 variant forms: Ab, Abdal, Abdall, Abdalla, Abdallah, Abdel, Abdell, Abdella, Abdellah, Abdoul, Abdoull, Abdoulla, Abdoullah, Abdull and Del. Baby names that sound like Abdul are Abdulla and Abdulah. View a list of the 2 names that reference Abdul.