The importance of early sleep habits
The importance of early sleep habits
Did you know? Getting your baby into good sleep habits now can affect their sleep as they grow up.
Your baby needs sleep for healthy growth and development. Scientific studies have shown that babies with a regular bedtime routine and consistent sleep schedule are more likely to learn good sleep habits that last into childhood. In fact, one study found that establishing a bedtime routine when your child is a baby will lead to better sleep habits when they are five years old.
What are “good sleep habits”?
- earlier bedtimes
- falling asleep more quickly and without help
- more total sleep
- fewer wakings at night
To help your baby learn to fall asleep on their own at an early age, put them down in their crib when they’re drowsy but still awake. Starting a bedtime routine early for your baby will give them the chance to develop these sleeping habits while they are young. Helping your baby now could help both of you sleep better in the future!
Mindell JA, Li AM, Sadeh A et al. Bedtime routines for young children: A dose-dependent association with sleep outcomes. Sleep 2015; 38(5):717-22.
Owens JA, Jones C, Nash R. Caregivers’ knowledge, behavior and attitudes regarding healthy sleep in young children. J Clin Sleep Med 2011; 7(4):345-50.
Sadeh A, Tikotzky L, Scher A. Parenting and infant sleep. Sleep Med Rev 2010; 14(2):89-96.
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