Where can I find Nestlé® Good Start® Infant Formula? Can you tell me what stores have it?
We are doing our best to ensure the availability of our products where Nestlé® Good Start® Infant Formula is sold. You may want to check with your specific retailer to ask about what products they have available or alternatively you can check the store’s website to see what products are available online.
If you are not able to find your regular Nestlé® Good Start® Infant Formula on shelf, it is safe and nutritionally appropriate to use a different Nestlé® Good Start® Infant Formula. It is also appropriate to switch between liquid and powdered Nestlé® Good Start® Infant Formula unless you have been given specific instructions by your doctor.
Nestlé® Good Start® Infant Formulas include Nestlé® Good Start® 1 & 2 (900g powder and 240mL concentrate available in Stage 1 only), Nestlé® Good Start® Plus 1 & 2 (580g and 1.02kg powder, ready-to-feed Tetra 250mL, concentrate 240mL and 89mL ready-to-feed nursers (available in Stage 1 only) and Nestlé® Good Start® Soothe;(550g and 942g powder).
Always remember to read and follow the preparation instructions on the label for each specific formula.
If you have been giving Nestlé® Good Start® Infant Formula to your baby and you cannot find any Nestlé® Good Start® Infant Formula products, you can use another infant formula designed for healthy term infants from a different manufacturer. All infant formulas designed for healthy term infants for sale in Canada have been approved by Health Canada to meet the nutritional requirements for normal healthy growth for all infants between the ages of 0-12 months. If you have questions about which infant formula to use or any questions related to feeding your baby, speak with your health care practitioner. Always remember to read and follow the preparation instructions on the label for each specific formula.
Nestlé® Good Start® 3 is not an infant formula and should not be used to feed infants. Nestlé® Good Start® 3 is made specifically for toddlers above 12 months of age and is a nutritional supplement. Nestlé® Good Start® Plain Milk and Nestlé® Good Start®3 Vanilla Flavour can be use interchangeably for toddlers in this age group. If you cannot find Nestlé® Good Start® 3, whole cow’s milk can also be used and is recommended by Canadian Pediatric Society.
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