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How to start complementary feeding
Starting complementary feeding is an exciting time. Here are our top tips on how and when to start baby food from our resident dietitian.
Baby immunizations—a parent’s guide
Immunization time—gulp! Your baby’s first injections can be upsetting parents and babies. If you are anxious, your baby may pick up on your feelings so try to stay calm.
Bath time checklist: How to bathe a newborn
Washing a newborn for the first time can be nerve-racking as well as a lovely bonding moment. Follow our tips on how to bathe a newborn safely.
Bathing hacks: How to give your newborn a sponge bath
Don’t worry about giving baby a bath in the first few weeks.
What’s a healthy breastfeeding diet?
If you’re breastfeeding, a healthy diet is important as it can affect your baby as much as you. Get tips on what not to eat when breastfeeding and what to eat when breastfeeding.
Your baby proofing action plan
Even though they won’t be mobile at first, it’s a good idea to baby proof your house before the big arrival.
What to ask at my first well-child visit?
Your first well-child visit will be carried out soon after birth to ensure baby’s development is on track.
Disposable-diaper-changing routine
You’re going to do a lot of diaper changing over the next few months and years, so here’s a helpful diaper changing routine.
Bottle-feeding tips
Bottle-feeding might look easy but there’s a fair bit to swallow. So here’s a list of bottle-feeding tips, covering bottle-feeding positions, setting a bottle-feeding routine, and more.
How to help baby reflux
Baby reflux. It’s one of the most common symptoms in babies in their first year. Here are some baby reflux remedies to help prevent and ease the symptoms.
Baby Teething Tips
Teething can be a distressing time for your baby and for you too. We’ve put together an action plan of teething tips, so you can all get through it without gritting your teeth.
Combination Feeding: Combining Breast Feeding & Formula-Feeding
Combination feeding, also known as mixed feeding or combo feeding, is when you feed your baby both breast milk and infant formula.
10 tips for a sound baby sleep routine
Baby sleep routines can vary enormously, often causing poor parents many a sleepless night. Here are some bedtime routine tips to help your baby sleep through the night.
How to soothe a colicky baby
Healthy babies cry. It helps them to express their needs and some babies cry more than others.
How to read baby cues and body language
From the moment they’re born, your baby has a lot to say.
Next steps in baby’s solid foods adventure
Now that you’ve introduced baby to some new tastes and textures, you can start broadening their taste buds even further by offering a variety of healthy solid foods.
Breastfeeding for beginners: 4 steps for a successful start
Everything you need to know about breastfeeding in four steps.
Why active play is good for your toddler
Did you know? Many two-year-olds spend too much time sitting still and don’t play outdoors every day.
Breastfeeding for beginners: Get started
Like any new skill, breastfeeding can take practice and perseverance to master. Follow these simple steps for a smoother journey and it’ll feel like second nature in no time.
Activities for your toddler at 18-24 months
Can you believe your little one is almost two years old? Your toddler is changing all the time now and probably already has some favourite games.
Breastfeeding for beginners: Get a good latch
Breastfeeding has lifelong health benefits for your baby. Take the time to learn about these latching techniques now, so you'll have an easier time later.
Your 5-step guide to eco-shopping
Bringing a baby into this world can make new parents think about the future of the planet, and how they can lessen their impact for generations to come. Here are five ways
Breastfeeding for beginners: Get comfortable
Check out these four tried-and-tested breastfeeding holds that help you both relax and encourage your baby to latch on well. Which one works best for you?
Sleep SOS
Is your baby struggling to settle? Still getting up lots of times in the night? Being woken up before sunrise?