What To Do When Your Toddler is Constipated
Your toddler may poo once a day or once every few days. This article explains the possible causes of constipation and how to help alleviate it.
Constipation in Toddlers
Your toddler may poo once a day or once every few days. How often and how many bowel movements varies from child to child. Signs and symptoms of constipation in your toddler:
- Hard, pebble-like poo;
- Poo is painful to pass;
- Poo is less frequent than usual;
- Unusually large poo for your child;
- Your toddler may be irritable, refuses food and complains of a sore stomach;
- Blood on the surface of a hard poo
Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about your toddler’s bowel habits or constipation.
Possible causes of constipation:
- Lack of physical activity
- A low-fibre diet that doesn’t include enough whole grains, fruits, and vegetables
- Excessive amounts of cow’s milk, juice, or other dairy products and not enough solid food can result in less fibre in the diet
- Holding poo in for long periods. They may be afraid to use the toilet if at any time it has been uncomfortable or unpleasant for them to poo
- Poor water and fluid consumption
How to help alleviate constipation:
- Offer your toddler foods that are high in fibre and a healthy balanced diet, full of whole grain cereals, fresh fruit, vegetables, and legumes
- Encourage daily physical activity and play
- Encourage a regular toilet routine and don’t rush toilet learning
- Ensure they are getting plenty of water over the day
- Consider a kids supplement that contains prebiotics, like GOS and FOS. These are dietary fibres that stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut and provide gentle relief of constipation and irregularity.
Talk to your doctor if your toddler’s poo doesn’t stay soft and regular, or if you have any other concerns about their bowel habits.
Learn about gerber® supplements for baby’s constipation:
1. Canadian Paediatric Society. Caring for Kids. Healthy bowel habits for children. March 2018. Accessed April 2023. Healthy bowel habits for children | Caring for kids (cps.ca)