Your 3rd Pregnancy Trimester
How time flies! Another milestone is fast approaching. Don’t stress, it’s the last thing you should do. This third and final trimester – weeks 27 to 40 – should be your happiest time as you’ll soon be meeting your little darling face to face! Read on for how you should prepare for the moment.
Week by week

27-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Your baby still has some growing to do but as of today, they’re over 30 cm long, big enough laying down to fit on your forearm between your hand and your elbow.
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28-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Your little one is around 35 cm long from crown to toe and already weights about 1.3 kilos, a third of their birth weight. Their feet measure nearly 6 cm – yes, they are tiny!
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29-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
As you inch your way towards the finish line – you will be giving birth in about ten weeks! – your baby is still growing by leaps and bounds, and even opening their eyes wide now.
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30-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Every day, your baby develops more, getting ready to make an entrance into the world in just under 10 weeks. Has it gone fast or is the time creeping by for you? Every mom feels it differently.
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31-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
As the big day fast approaches, your little one will soon be moving into position for birth. What a clever baby! But you already knew that. Read more about this week.
2 mins to read

32-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Your baby is still developing as you head into the final lap, but it’s mostly perfecting and polishing from here on out. He or she is getting ready to meet you!
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33-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Six weeks. That’s about how long you’ve got left before you get to meet the little person growing inside you. Amazing, right? We think so.
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34-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Things are slowing down a little in your belly now. That’s because everything is getting close to being developed! Your baby is around 45 cm long and weighs well over 2 kilos.
2 mins to read

35-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
In about a month, you’ll be holding that little bundle of joy in your arms. Until then, there’s still lots of polishing and refinement going on inside you.
3 mins to read

36-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
From now until they make their grand entrance, your baby will continue to grow. They are already 45 cm long and weigh about 2.9 kg! Read more about this week.
3 mins to read

37-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Your baby tends to keep their head down, arms crossed, and legs folded up on their chest as there’s not much room to move around. They’ll be very glad to get out and stretch!
3 mins to read

38-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Two more weeks! Yes, it’s true, you and your little one will soon be making each other’s acquaintance. Everything is pretty much in place.
3 mins to read

39-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
You might have felt a few contractions already and were wondering if that was “it”. Don’t worry, you won’t miss the start of labour! Read more about the 39th week of pregnancy.
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40-weeks pregnant: baby development and diet tips
Time’s up! You are now feeling very ready to meet your baby. Most babies arrive between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. Hang in there if your baby hasn’t arrived yet!
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