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Ready, steady… walk
By now your little one is likely to have started to get the hang of crawling, and is probably well on their way to cruising.
2 mins to read

What your baby is telling you
Did you know? Your baby was born with the natural ability to eat when they’re hungry and stop when they’re full.
2 mins to read

Switch off screens and play!
Did you know? Too much screen time can keep your baby from being active, and may interfere with their sleep.
1 min to read

The benefits of breastfeeding
Breastmilk has everything your little one needs to grow*—and offers benefits for you, too.
3 mins to read
Feed your future family
Eating well before you conceive can help your future baby have the best possible start in life. Here’s how to get some of the essential vitamins and minerals you need for a healthy pregnancy.
4 mins to read

10 healthy habits to carry on
During your baby’s First 1000 Days you have encouraged many healthy habits, so don't let your guard down now! Here are 10 healthy habits to keep practicing.
7 mins to read

A new era in eating
Gone are the days of spoon-feeding them purées, it’s time to roll out the wipeable mat for your independent eater!
6 mins to read

How to help a picky eater
Wondering how to help a picky eater? Developing a palate takes time. So we’ve prepared a menu of useful tips to help turn your picky eater into a food lover.
2 mins to read

Gestational diabetes symptoms
10 essential questions about gestational diabetes answered
6 mins to read

Get ready, get set... breastfeed!
Did you know? The “superpowers” of breast milk for your baby (and you) cannot be underestimated—and pregnancy is the perfect time to prepare.
2 mins to read

Your step-by-step guide to texture
Once your baby has mastered smooth purees, it’s time to offer textured foods. Experience with different textures helps them develop the skills for chewing.
1 min to read

Pregnancy weight gain
There are many things you can do to prepare for the delivery of a healthy baby. One of the most important things is eating right to gain the extra weight you’ll need to support another life.
1 min to read

Healthy Pregnancy Diet & Nutrition
Expecting a child gives new meaning to eating a well-balanced diet.
4 mins to read

How to provide a balanced diet for your toddler
It’s easy to fall into bad habits when preparing food for your toddler. Find out how some simple swaps and small changes can make their meals and mini meals healthier.
4 mins to read

When to start solid food for babies
Starting solid foods is a new and exciting step in your baby’s eating development, but it often comes with many questions.
7 mins to read

Magical milestones and physical play
Looking at your child now, it’s hard to imagine the tiny new born you brought home from the hospital who did little more than feed, sleep, and fill diapers.
5 mins to read

Pregnancy and dietary considerations
Pregnancy is exciting, exhilarating and totally different for every woman.
4 mins to read

Baby development month 7
She’s everywhere! She’s everywhere! At least she wants to be, and she wants to get there on her own.
4 mins to read

13 tips for sweet dreams
Did you know? A regular bedtime routine can help your baby drift off to sleep.
1 min to read

The truth about breastfeeding
With so much information on breastfeeding out there, can you separate the fact from the fiction? Put your knowledge to the test with our quick quiz.
1 min to read

How to understand fibre on nutrition labels
Learning how to read this food label will help you choose healthy, whole-grain options, with plenty of fibre, for your little one.
1 min to read

Overcoming breastfeeding problems
Breastfeeding doesn’t always come naturally but with a bit of practice, perseverance, and a few pointers, it can get easier. Try these steps to help tackle breastfeeding problems.
2 mins to read

What exercise can I do and when?
Exercising while you’re pregnant is important for you and your baby’s health. Physical activity can help you control your weight gain, lift your mood, and even help labor go more smoothly.
4 mins to read

Your growing toddler – What to expect beyond 1000 days
Look back at the healthy habits you’ve encouraged, which have helped your toddler grow so far, and look forward to the exciting developments to come.
2 mins to read