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Baby immunizations—a parent’s guide
Immunization time—gulp! Your baby’s first injections can be upsetting parents and babies. If you are anxious, your baby may pick up on your feelings so try to stay calm.
3 mins to read

Coping with baby blues
Many moms experience feeling of postpartum blues – sometimes called the “baby blues” soon after their little one arrives.
3 mins to read

Settling your baby through the night
Did you know? Waking up during the night doesn’t always mean your baby is hungry.
2 mins to read

Taking baby out for the first time guide
Taking baby out for the first time can be daunting. This checklist should help make it easy for all your baby friendly days out.
2 mins to read

10 month baby development | Months 10-12
“Come on, make Mama (or Papa, of course) proud.” It’s likely already crossed your baby’s mind without you even saying it, since his desire to please you is strengthening along with
5 mins to read

How much sleep does my baby need?
As a new parent, your baby’s sleeping habits are probably one of the first things you talk about with other new moms and dads. Here’s a rough guide of what to expect.
1 min to read

Allergies—what you need to know
Did you know? Milk protein is one of the most common allergens affecting babies during the first six months of life.
1 min to read

Protein: the right amount for baby?
Meeting your baby’s protein needs in the crucial first 1000 days is important. Fortunately, breast milk has the right amount of protein for your baby.
2 mins to read

Disposable-diaper-changing routine
You’re going to do a lot of diaper changing over the next few months and years, so here’s a helpful diaper changing routine.
2 mins to read

Newborn taste preferences | Did you know?
Babies’ taste preferences start before they are born
1 min to read

Baby Development milestones: Months 1 - 3
Your baby’s first focus? She’ll use her eyes and ears, along with her sense of smell and touch, to learn her new world.
4 mins to read

How to continue your breastfeeding journey
While most women around the world breastfeed their babies in the early months, breastfeeding rates at 12 months of age vary widely. With the Health Canada recommendation to breastfee
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Healthy eating starts with you
Did you know? You’re a role model for your baby—what you eat and drink influences their choices.
2 mins to read

How to soothe a colicky baby
Healthy babies cry. It helps them to express their needs and some babies cry more than others.
3 mins to read

How to help baby reflux
Baby reflux. It’s one of the most common symptoms in babies in their first year. Here are some baby reflux remedies to help prevent and ease the symptoms.
2 mins to read

10 steps to successful family mealtimes
Mealtimes are a great opportunity for the family to come together to share food and enjoy each other’s company.
3 mins to read

Stay-healthy menu planner
Moderately active? Aim for around 2000 calories a day and eat a variety of healthy foods each day to set yourself up for a healthy pregnancy.
1 min to read
How to program your child’s future health
What to eat during pregnancy to give your baby the best start in life.
4 mins to read

Top 3 tummy troubles
Because babies are born with immature digestive systems, they may experience episodes of colic, constipation, or spit-up during their first months.
1 min to read

When will my baby sleep through the night?
When your baby first comes home from the hospital, their irregular sleep patterns can be both challenging and exhausting.
4 mins to read

Breastfeeding baby tips | Breastfeeding 101
Having a basic understanding about breast milk, breastfeeding and your breastfed baby will help you enjoy every moment that you’re nourishing and nurturing your baby.
4 mins to read

First month of pregnancy symptoms
Your pregnancy: weeks 1-4 – the start of your first trimester. The first signs of pregnancy may be very obvious… or not at all.
3 mins to read

Seventh month of pregnancy symptoms
Your pregnancy: weeks 28-31. Your baby and you are now in the final stretch.
4 mins to read

Breastfeeding: one day at a time…
Different types of breastmilk| Nestlé Baby & me
1 min to read