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Your toddler menu planner
Wondering what and how much you should be serving at mealtimes?
1 min to read

7 playtime dos and don’ts
You’re never too young (or old!) for playing. Here are some ways you can both enjoy fun-filled, safe, and stimulating daily activities that set your baby up for an active, healthy life.
4 mins to read

How to cope with first trimester anxiety
Suffering from first trimester anxiety? You’re not alone, 1 in 10 pregnant women experience this pregnancy symptom in their first trimester. Here’s how to keep the feelings under control.
2 mins to read

Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds
Your baby is growing fast! The first year, a baby multiplies his weight by 3 and his length increases by 50%! Follow month-by-month.
1 min to read

Third month of pregnancy symptoms
Your pregnancy: weeks 9-13. Your silhouette still may not show your pregnancy, but you begin to feel that the baby is there.
3 mins to read

Probiotics for babies with gas
By Dr. Jeff Habert, family physician
4 mins to read

The ins and outs of babies’ digestive system
By Dr. Jeff Habert, family physician
3 mins to read

Childproofing Your Home: Safety first!
Your house is about to become home to all kinds of firsts for your new family addition—make sure everyone can share every special moment in a safe environment where your baby can thrive!
8 mins to read

Food allergies: advice you need to know
Recent research on food allergies has led to new recommendations for the introduction of commonly allergenic foods once babies start eating solid food. Confused?
5 mins to read

How often will my baby feed?
6 things you need to know about feeding your baby in their first six months.
2 mins to read

Protein content in breast milk | Did you know?
The protein in breast milk is one of the most important nutrients for babies.
1 min to read

Your pregnancy snack selector
Moms-to-be in their second and third trimesters need to think about adding a few more calories to their diets — make them healthy ones with these nutritious snack ideas.
3 mins to read

A guide to family meals for toddlers
Wondering how you can enjoy family meals for toddlers? Eating together is a lovely way to bring everyone together and to teach your toddler about healthy eating.
2 mins to read

What To Do When Your Toddler is Constipated
Your toddler may poo once a day or once every few days. This article explains the possible causes of constipation and how to help alleviate it.
2 mins to read

How to protect your baby before conception
Did you know? There are steps you can take to protect your baby-to-be from problems during pregnancy and beyond.
1 min to read

Your baby knows how much they need
Did you know? Nursing—feeding your baby directly from your breast—helps to protect her ability to drink only as much as she needs.
2 mins to read

Hungry or full? Nine faces of feeding
It may seem like a whole new world now that your little one is starting to eat solid foods.
4 mins to read

Understanding mastitis and breast pain
Did you know? Up to one in three moms who breastfeed may experience a painful condition called mastitis.
2 mins to read

Feeding Tips for Older Babies
Your baby is now used to eating solids and may be grabbing at the spoon or picking up food by herself. This means she is ready for more self-feeding, a whole new messy adventure!
6 mins to read

What to pack in your hospital bag
Time to think about what to pack for your new baby—including that special going-home outfit—and for yourself, as well as what you might need for breastfeeding.
1 min to read

7 reasons to keep breastfeeding
Breastfeeding beyond 6 months has many benefits for you and your baby. Discover them!
1 min to read

When will my Toddler Stop being a Picky Eater?
Does your little one want plain pasta for dinner every night? Or refuse to eat anything green? Here are some ways to make sure your fussy eater is getting enough variety in their diet.
1 min to read
Why fatherhood begins before conception
Did you know? Your partner’s diet and lifestyle can play a vital role in conceiving your future baby.
2 mins to read

The dos and don’ts of responsive feeding
The ways you feed your baby are as important as what you feed them. Find out what to watch for, and what to do, when your baby starts eating complementary foods.
5 mins to read